Daños al patrimonio de Siria – 19 Febrero 2015



Daños al patrimonio de Siria

19 Febrero 2015

Este boletín se presenta un resumen de los informes más recientes sobre los daños al patrimonio de Siria. Cabe destacar que muchos de estos datos no pueden ser verificados, pero se espera que va a ayudar en la documentación de los daños que ocurren, y ayudar a concienciar.

Si el boletín informativo no se muestra correctamente, clic aquí para verlo online en un navegador.

Contenido principal

Nuevo de Patrimonio para la Paz | Actualizaciones en Daños | Actualizaciones en saqueo | Patrimonio Inmaterial | Informes y Actualizaciones de la DGAM de Siria | Los cambios de política y actualizaciones de Siria | Actividad Internacional | Noticias Actualizaciones


Nuevo de Patrimonio para la Paz
Heritage for Peace efforts noted in the Wall Street Journal

The work of Heritage for Peace is highlighted by the Wall Street Journal (Febrero 11 2015) bajo el título ‘Culture Brigade: Syrian ‘Monuments Men’ Race to Protect Antiquities as Looting Bankrolls Terror’. The article discusses training provided to Syrian archaeologists by H4P and the work of those archaeologists within the country to catalogue damage and protect Syria’s heritage. Franklin Lamb’s piece for Counterpunch, ‘Can Syria’s Cultural Heritage be a Fulcrum for Ending its Civil War?' (Febrero 9) also features H4P.

Heritage for Peace participates in conferences at Barcelona and Berlin

  • On February 20, senior staff of Heritage for Peace will attend a seminar in Barcelona entitled ‘El Patrimonio Cultural en tiempos de conflictos’. Heritage for Peace collaborated in the organisation of this event. Ver aquí para más información, and for the program (in pdf) ver aquí.
  • Heritage for Peace participated in the conference concerning the Reconstruction of Aleppo in Berlin on the 6th of February. See more information aquí.

Actualizaciones en Daños
(Damage to the Northwest tower of the citadel in Damascus. Crédito de la foto: DGAM)

Damage in Aleppo and Damascus

  • Video by Ismael Abed Alrahman shows damage to Al-Serwi/Al-Sarwy mosque, Albayda, Aleppo, compartida por Protect sirio Arqueología (Febrero 15 2015, 1’19”) aquí.
  • Photos reveal damage to Tell Newaaz in the western countryside of Aleppo, compartida por Protect sirio Arqueología (Febrero 12 2015) aquí.
  • A five minute video by Ismael Abed Alrahman shows damage to the Mamluk-era Bardebak Mosque/ Qastel Harami Mosque in Qastel Harami, Aleppo, compartida por Protect sirio Arqueología (Febrero 9 2015) aquí.
  • Video by Ismael Abed Alrahman shows damage to Al-Mouhtaseb Mosque, Aqyoul, Aleppo, compartida por Protect sirio Arqueología (Febrero 7 2015, 2′ 43″) aquí.
  • Images show damage to an Ottoman Police Station en Qastel Harami, Aleppo, compartida por Protect sirio Arqueología (Febrero 6 2015) aquí.
  • Informa La DGAM (Febrero 5 2015) that an explosion in Damascus, near the famous Souq al-Hamidiyeh, damaged the oldest of the twelve towers of the Damascus citadel. Information and two images can be found aquí.
(Damage to Tell Harmal Ras al Ayn area from bulldozing. Crédito de la foto: DGAM)

Damage from Vandalism and Looting in al Hasaka

  • Informa La DGAM (Febrero 3 2015) damage in the region around Ras al-Ayn. This includes the theft of archaeological equipment and looting at Tall Fakhariye, the site of the Roman military base of Resaina. Other sites nearby have also been damaged. See the report with detailed photographs aquí.
  • Además, images shared by Protect Syrian Archaeology show illicit digging in the Byzantine tombs located in al-Nasiriyah and other villages, que se puede encontrar aquí.

Actualizaciones en saqueo
Looting resumes in Mari and Dura Europos

The DGAM reports that illegal digging has restarted at both Mari y Dura Europos. The work appears to have been carried out at the instigation of ISIL. The information on this story can be found aquí.

Stolen antiquities recovered by DGAM

The DGAM reports that 88 Abbasid gold coins and 1 silver Hellenistic coin have been recovered. See the brief and photographs aquí

Patrimonio Inmaterial
  • Ninguno
Informes y Actualizaciones de la Dirección General de Antigüedades de Siria y Museos
DGAM posts new interactive map participates in UNESCO training

La DGAM (Febrero 14 2015) has posted a useful interactive map of damaged sites in Syria. The map system ‘…allows users to access to the latest information and data on the damaged archaeological sites linked with their geographical dimension, type of damage, significant of the sites as well as photographs.’ The full explanation and link to the map can be found aquí.

DGAM welcomes new UN resolution

La DGAM (Febrero 12 2015) welcomes UN resolution 2199, banning illegal antiquities trade from Syria, and thanks those contributing to the efforts. See the brief report aquí.

DGAM holds symposium on Syrian antiquities

The Syrian Minster of Culture held a symposium at the National Museum entitled ‘The Reality of Syrian Antiquities During the Crisis’, on February 8, 2015. The workshop will focus on the DGAM’s efforts to protect heritage during the ongoing civil war. Véase el informe aquí.

Los cambios de política y actualizaciones de Siria
  • Ninguno
Actividad Internacional
(Foto copyright: UNESCO)

UN Security Council passes resolution banning illicit Syrian antiquities trade

On February 12 2015, the UN Security Council adopted resolution 2199, designed to target ISIL’s financing. This includes a ban on the trade in Syrian antiquities removed after March 15, 2011. See the UN report aquí. For a brief commentary from Conflict Antquities blog, ver aquí. The statement from UNESCO can be found aquí, and the statement from the US government aquí.

ASOR posts weekly report on damaged heritage sites

ASOR gave another article reporting damage in Syria and Iraq up to February 9th, noting that the increased fighting in Damascus, Idlib, and Aleppo is harming heritage sites at an alarming rate. Véase el informe aquí.

Noticias Actualizaciones

(No están cubiertos en otras secciones)

Looting and Destruction of heritage in the news

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