Honour for Syrian heritage heroes
The petition site Change.org is lobbying UNESCO to honour Khaled al-Assad. For details haga clic aquí.
If you do sign, and can add a comment, recordar los muchos otros sirios que han muerto proteger su patrimonio. Error al-Assad is by no means the first member of the DGAM, or the first Syrian volunteer, to die for protecting their heritage. Others have been threatened and paid the price, (e.g. “In Syria, Yahya Ibrahim guarded Bosra’s ancient ruins, one of the world’s best-preserved Roman amphitheaters. In January, armed militants broke into his office and demanded he not go to work. They shot and killed him when he refused.” (Vice News) or Ms. Huda Al-Hamoud, hijacked and killed (DGAM Report).) Many others have simply died just for daring to leave their houses and go to work, even when it’s dangerous. A great number of men an and women in Syria – and elsewhere – are taking amazing risks to protect their heritage: they all deserve to be honoured.